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Project Title / Client

POLA Wilmington Grade Separation Project/ Port of Los Angeles

This project provided grade-separated vehicular access to all facilities south of Harry Bridges Boulevard from a heavily utilized rail line. The grade separation project eliminates the conflict between vehicular traffic and two existing at-grade rail crossings. It will provide unimpeded grade-separated vehicular access to the South Wilmington area, which is made up of many businesses, and community areas. IEM provided cost estimating, scheduling, and document control services for this project.

POLA John S. Gibson Blvd.v/ I-110 Access Ramp Improvements/ Port of Los Angeles

This project added an additional lane from the SR-47 connector to the Northbound I-110 and extended the existing off-ramp at John S. Gibson Blvd. The off-ramp was modified to become a two-lane exit to accommodate one shared through- and left-turn lane and one exclusive right lane and lengthen the existing off-ramp. An additional left turn lane will be added to Southbound John S. Gibson Blvd. for traffic destined to Port terminals. This additional lane will continue to the John S Gibson off-ramp with two lanes from the existing one lane, thus improving the intersection capacity with an overall improved level of service. IEM provided construction management services for this project.

Tustin/Rose Grade Separation Project/ OCTA

OCTA will construct a vehicle overpass at the intersection of Tustin Avenue/Rose Drive (Tustin/Rose) and Orangethorpe Avenue, along the BNFE Railway. The project consisted of a 1,900 feet long by 78 feet wide CIP box girder bridge structure connecting Tustin/Rose with Orangethorpe Avenue. The project included retaining walls and MSE walls, utility relocation, which provided the greatest challenge to the project, removal/relocation of RCP storm drain lines and VCP sewer lines. Additionally, the project included new roadway and street improvements. IEM provided inspection services for this project.

Sidewalk Repair Program/City of Los Angeles, BOE

City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering (LABOE) $100M sidewalk repair program includes assessment and repair of the City of Los Angeles sidewalks to make them accessible for disabled people. IEM provided sidewalk assessment for this program.

Concord Public Works CIP / City of Concord

Concord Public Works strives to develop and provide a variety of customer driven maintenance services and programs to protect the City's investment of infrastructure and public facilities and ensure the health and safety of Concord's community in the most efficient and cost effective manner. IEM provided CM services on projects that consisted of installing storm drain and sewer pipelines, street surface restoration, schools facilities, senior citizen facilities, traffic signal modification, landscaping, sidewalks construction and restoration, police facility, parks, and public parking structures.

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