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Project Title / Client

Airside Element 24L-RSA/ LAWA

The Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) is a major transportation hub that has over 66 million passengers traveling in and out of annually. This project is part of the federal government requiring U.S. airports to improve the Runway Safety Area (RSA) zone at the ends of each runway. The mandated improvements will provide an extra margin of safety for landing and departing aircraft. RSAs provide a buffer zone should an aircraft overshoot, overrun or veer off a runway while landing or taking off. RSAs are typically 1,000 ft. by 500 ft. at each runway end and 250 ft. from the runway centerline. RSAs are not runway extensions. IEM is currently providing project engineering services for this project.

Propeller Airport Aviation Center Site Preparation/ LAWA

The PAAC Site Preparation project consisted of demolition and restoration of two separate areas, one defined as the West Site encompassing approximately 30 acres and the other identified as the East Site consisting of approximately 15 acres located at Van Nuys Airport. The scope of work was to explore and evaluate the subsurface conditions at the Project site. IEM provided project engineering and scheduling services for this project.

Tom Bradley International Terminal Interior Improvements (WOW Project)/ LAWA

The $25 million Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT) Interior Improvement Project significantly enhanced the 25-year-old terminal shops and restaurants at the world's sixth-busiest airport. The Project modernized the terminal shops and restaurants with new interior finishes, lighting, signage, and HVAC systems to bring TBIT interior up to state-of-the-art standards expected from a worldwide international terminal. IEM provided project engineering and scheduling services for this project.

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